mercredi 15 février 2012

I'm on Weibo!

That's right, I'm on Weibo! #geek

For those whom have been living in a cave for the last few years, Weibo is the  #1 Chinese microblogging platform. It's basically Twitter in Chinese with the possibility of uploading directly visible pictures and videos. 

Weibo belongs to SINA Corporation which launched it in 2009. Over 250 million registered users as of October 2011...yeah that's a lot of people. But you got to know everybody loves and uses it since it appeals to the new needs of the "young & modern" post-mao generation: being a thinking individual, showing off their life, what they like, what they don't, what they think is so cuuute (most of the time it's cat pictures waving or little pet dogs dressed up as real persons) pretty much what I am doing right here on Shanghai Trend :) And because it was not enough (it never is, right?), I decided to subscribe a while ago and if you are a user you will be able to find me under the following pseudonym: @Piew

My threads are super oriented as I use Weibo to promote my photography activities to the Chinese crowd... thing that I can't do through Facebook since it has been censored in China since 2009-ish...

Anyway feel free to add me and make contact!

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